However, Véran recently posted on Twitter: 'Giving blood will meet the same health safety requirements, regardless of one's sexuality. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, once considered this kind of law 'dangerous', calling it 'not the right tool' to end discrimination. Currently, in order to pass the screening process at the French Blood Establishment (EFS), MSM must have previously respected a four-month period of abstinence, effectively excluding many of them from donating blood. 'The criteria for selecting donors (…) may not be based on any difference in treatment, in particular with regard to the sex of the partner or partners with whom the donors have had a sexual relationship,' says the amendment to Article 7 bis of the bioethics bill. While the measure won't go into full effect until January 2022, there's a lot to be said about what this measure means for global bioethics. The French National Assembly has recently passed an amendment that allows gay and bisexual men donate blood under the same conditions as heterosexual men.